Dopamine Labs
Ramsay Brown, Matt Mayberry, Dalton Combs
Hi there! We’d love to help you out! Leave us a message and we’ll get back to you tomorrow ✨
I am trying to use the "request access" / "learn more" buttons of your webpage. The submit form pops, I filled in the fields,, pressed Submit and there is an error "The Captch field" cannot be blank. There is no displayed Captcha field showing on this from. i popped over here to the right edge off the screen, a "legal message" button. Wow, some things can't be put into a mold box, and yes that would be me.
First let me introduce you to my history. I am currently living my family childhood home since age 5 in the city in which I was born, San Bernardino CA. [ Yes that now infamous San Bernardino from the Terrorist Attack Shooting of December 2, 2015 ]. We know this event by the meme of being the Feds Vs. Apple in the Unlocking the phone device controversy. Remember, I am living in the home currently that I grew up in since age 5. At the time in Dec 2015, I was living in Denver Colorado. I have attached my Truthfinder Background Check Report.
I want to share with you that in 2018 I am living in the home which I grew up in not by choice but by forced direction persecution factors of being ousted from my HUD subsidized housing in Denver Colorado with an eviction that was filed against me on November 30th 2016, the day of World's Aids Day Eve. This being the second time in my history dealing with a hate campaign against me. I delt with an 11 month hate and harassment campaign in Denver Colorado this time around. But in 2005/2006 I delt with the same consideration of circumstances in subsidized housing in Oakland CA. It was in Oakland that I was being cyber-stocked, cyber-harassed, and a hacked profile online, cyber-hacked [ a federal crime ] to what I consider a gaslighting campaign of hate. I realize you guys are neuroscientists, and perhaps some psychology here. That is why I am writing a story to you here. You see, my technology domain internet spaces that I own from Oakland Events was registered on June 2005. I have held this technology all of that time. On July 12th 2006, I do believe is the date when in eviction case WG06266106, I lost all options to fight my eviction and had to move back home to the home where I grew up. At that date, I registered the internet domain on that final day of Oakland holding. at the time had the acronym Great Reasons Urbans Will Unite Peace. I am a peace builder with an out of the box technology understanding that brings me to my first very very first job ever.
In my resume, [ this is a binding technology URL ]:
It shows that I worked for the San Bernardino public library. It was a volunteer project before I even stared working there of coding what was called a BBS. Even at the time, I had to machine code in Apple Computer 6502 Assembly programming language what is considered a "communications device driver" before there was such a name for such code. I wrote this from scratch. I developed what is a dial-up BBS [ Bulletin Board System ] from scratch called "Microlink BBS". My name appears in the November 1986 Issue of the Library Journal [ ] - again use of a BINDING TECHNOLOGY URL.
Ops November 1987
Also in that issue is the following spotlight titled article, Personal Information Systems, The Library Role : [ ] -- and there is where we have connection to understanding what I am doing here connecting to you in detail. I have a personal information system that makes me one of the most unique cyber identities to ever exist on the planet for peace building. But only if the conspiracy of persons whom are afraid of this technology would release their hate on me. You see, I can never be free from them if I go out online and attempt normal interpersonal relationship social networking. AND THERE IS NO RESOLVE FOR THIS. It is an intractable conflict of extremes. On the site of, the term Wicked Problem is used. This is a wicked problem. I don't know how to best describe to you. I am not a business orientation model working for a business working outcome. But if that is what it takes to have legitimacy to get them [ THE HATERS ] to BACK OFF. I need some advise and help.
Knowledge base, online seminars, and blogs focused on strategies for limiting the destructiveness of intractable conflict.
Beyond Intractability
Lets go back to the Terrorist Attack that happened in San Bernardino Dec 2015. My brother's wife's daughter, Mysti Dawn Crowder Driskill was in the building at the time of the shooting but just did not attend the Christmas Party. That is how close to family that event of violence hits home here to the place where I grew up and registered in 2006. I have more to this story but I don't need to be treated like an idiot.
Today is May 4th 2018, one full year after I wrote some words in Denver Colorado to my family, specifically directed at my mother. My mother has never truly understood the dimension of memetic resistance and the hate collective that I am being targeted from. But I do. I live on a Social Security Disability Fixed Income that is a little bit over the average disability income. Because I worked for a living before I was infected with HIV/AIDS first being tested POZ with AIDS Symptomatic progression [ T-Cell Count < 200 ] in September of 1999. Since I have been the classification as a person living with HIV/AIDS, a major break in opportunity has occurred. This cause to effect is disturbing to understand from 2018 perspectives. I have lost my housing again in HIV/AIDS Subsadized housing specifically. In Denver, I attempted to create a school concept to hold me legitamized. IT FAILED even though its still online in materials. It is called The Awesome Kramobone Glows and Blows Playroom. An Adult orientation school of consensual practices ideal construct under the platform of the / peace building and trust networking foundation. You cannot bring me outside of that morality to some other form of model --- because I know I hold the model that should be placed onto society as a "Digital Behavioral Design" model. I am still having to deal with legitimacy and trust issues in my mental health. I would like you to see me for something different than a business outreaching partner. Because at this point, my mental health recovery is more important. One Year ago I wrote some words to my mother and it has been placed into a crazy talk animation video that I would like like you to watch and understand what connection here is ---- or disconnection does --- in our society. Disconnection is a pathway to suicide.
This I wrote last year coming up to a year anniversary on May 4th. about 2 weeks from today. Since I do not have a real true working communication relationship with my family -- I call out #I-Need-A-G...
The source of the hate/harassment has been exposed to be the social service agency of the Ryan White Care Act in Denver Colorado known as the Colorado Denver Aid Project / aka Colorado Health Network. Proof that is is them and not me appears on the site of Glassdoor in recent appearing employee to employer reviews.
I do not fix in any kind of box or mold. I am so out of the box that you need a new brain to understand. Your brain needs to be blown away to new reality. That is who I am to most all of the considerations of interface. And I really do not know how to trust that my way is the better way of the future world that people aught to be listening to. Because they hate that outcome of "persuasive technology"' that I know I hold. Do not question my resolve of these matters to save my own life and my family coming into presence of mind. My mother now this year supports my story wholeheartedly. I still do not know how to resolve this intractable conflict. --- You can read the glassdoor reviews for yourself ---- and see the truth --- and ACCEPT ME INTO A FOLD OF BUILDING UPWARD SOMETHING GREAT --- OR YOU CAN DISMISS ME TO A WORLD NIGHTMARE because you have your paper degree of merit doctorates and I do not.
4 Colorado Health Network reviews. A free inside look at company reviews and salaries posted anonymously by employees.
I have persuaded Google to have this current status page for Denver Colorado Aids Project / aka Colorado Health Network as "published status" [ ] --- and that is FACT that this page is not going anywhere back to it's unclaimed normalcy. There is no normal with me.
site - Denver Colorado Aids Project.png
This is what that page displays like.
I have copied the text conversation to this point. I will be converting that text to spoken voice --- and filing it : [ ] -- because I CAN, I WILL, AND I MUST bring forward my technology tool into your view -- so you can be scared away because your not able to be completely 100% moral honest to hold a absolute reality truth in our world..... or you are in fact the difference I am seeking as QUALITY over QUANTITY and we have connection continued to understanding. We have something in common. Net Value basically zero. But your creation the correct side of history --- and we must unite to a platform of something real. I guarantee you I can't hold my mission work any longer of peace within this scope of have no legitimacy to to be open to be abused by the haters elite. I have already contacted the @FBI on twitter, you can search my history. There is no resolve for matters yet visable to outcomes better than CHANGING MY UNITED STATES CITIZENRY to some other less corrupt country.. The recent transparency internation raking for the USA is 18 from a scale of 0 to 100 where 0 is most corrupt. That is the problem with my interface to society. This society is corrupt to it's core. I don't trust anyone to see the light before it is too late. Will you listen and unite a peace building model of persuasive technology or not? I have it absolute. It is not rocket science to understand the technology information theory. My ID is "In The Mindway" a memetic reference of naming and hold memespace and memeitc sciences to their testing resolves in my technology. I hold it dear and should it not be marketable, I don't care. I don't need a market to know my moral character is wisdom wise and anyone disgreeing with this platform has some character issues to deal with of their own. I hold a status of augmented conscience for a better mission message of tomorrows. We need better working tools of technology, humanely focused to be platformed under the Heiracy of Human Needs Chart. Where we come full circle in the Personal Information Systems and the Library Role --- such hierarchy of Maslow is structured into that presentation of information discussions. It remains my priority to empower upon our world. Thank you you for reading my introduction to you. Peace! @Gruwup 2018 : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace @Realuphuman : Actively Servicing The Truth To All Time Human History. This is my letter standing on site.
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You are now here
BTW, I own METTA.WS [ World Site or Web Site ] two full years before the basketball player of the Lakers Ron Artest Jr legally changes his name to METTA WORLD PEACE. I am that true peace builder elite!
Read by Thich Nath Hanh, chanted by brother Phap Niem. The creators of this audio track were Gary Malkin, the composer/arranger, producer, and collaborator Michael Stillwater. The work came from a CD/...
Blow Your Mind.png
My intention here is to blow your mind. Have I succeeded?
I have created a "social actor" version of persuasive technology as an introduction to this peace building binding presence technology. It is a LONG PRESENTATION of a YouTube Playlist titled [ @Gruwup Conflict Resolution System Presenation ] which the URL for that youtube playlist is: [ ] -- This being all real.
This is a personal introduction video to the to be used to introduce you to the foundational formation of a new concept technology tool of creation. The Title of this presenation is: @Gruwup Conflict Resolution System Presenation This video introduces you to Adinkra --- Wind Resistant Houses rater than building life on foundations that are #HouseOfCArds to eventual collapse. This is a collective society choice of conscience to make this adaptive thinking founation present in our collective information society tools of communication. In May of 2018, when this video was created, here is great debate on the mental wellness addiction of our tools of social media. What is introduced here goes well beyond just social media and mental wellness but tha is definately what bring me to prioritize this media presenation into focus and view for communities everywhere and society worldly. This goes beyond social media tools into all aspects of human life --- online and offline.
I need to build TRUST with you to understand me --- I have been extremely hurt by others who can't get it real. I expect reality based conversations and replies to form that understanding. Thank you. I will proceed without you if need be. But for right this moment, you are the ideal that I see most closely matching my goals as well. We have commons and if you don't see those commons from this introduction, then I don't care to try to impress you any more than you are not of the QUALITY that I am seeking in trust networking partners. And if I can be so arrogant to know, I am the one holding the correct cards of our computing and moral responsibility agency. No one competes with me. This is not a competition. This is a unification. A mandatory unification of our society or we are all doomed. Good Day Peace Out --- Reply Please --- here in Chat or to the email that I have defined for you.... : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace
3:42 AM
The team is out right now, but they’ll get back to you at