James Driskill <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>

[ Feel Free To Share This Out ] : A LinkedIn site InMail correspondence with the LinkedIn CEO Jefff Weiner : Claim Of Great Massive Conspiracy - memetic pattern recognition by "In The Mindway" in this analysis assessment! Until I get my rights to hold a @LinkedInHelp Ticket valid, this conspiracy continues.....

Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>Fri, Jun 29, 2018 at 11:42 PM
To: "Jim #Kramobone-The.Good @Gruwup Whitescarver" <jimscarver@gmail.com>, William Jamal Wilson <Willwilson003@gmail.com>, timothyerals@yahoo.com, #Key <blackmeat6969@yahoo.com>
Cc: Chief Executive Officer Darrell J Vigil MBA <darrell.vigil@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, chris berger <cebergerllu@gmail.com>, Sue Lowe <slowe@desertaidsproject.org>, Michael Muller <mmuller@desertaidsproject.org>, Maritza Tona Exec Director FAP <mtona@fapinfo.org>, LinkedIn Customer Support <linkedin_support@cs.linkedin.com>, linkedin.com@realuphuman.net

This email is long. It is documentation of reality.  If you do nothing else, take 20 minutes and first watch this YouTube Video:

Recorded and Put to YouTube a video of screen capture recording of the restriction. I deleted that Youtube video but did repost it.

LinkedInHelp Restriction ConspiracyExposed In HIV This Conspiracy is Evil

Please Forgive the CheckSpell Highlghting... it got stuck in the middle of editing. It makes this email intersting to read.  Hope you find it intersting.  Thank you.

Greetings World. This email can be distributed as widely as you care to bring yourself to real truth and reality.  There is a conspiracy exposed here with the documentation in this header.  It is obvious when you take the entire view of the past 50+ days of history on Linked In.  Why +?  Because This documentation does not include my connection and contact interfaces with the social service staff that blocks my attempt to communicate with them.  They block themselves from obligating discussion of the truth.  This is wrong!

This is an update to a global distribution message. The section that is messaging with LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner is updated to current status. Note: Dates in a copy/paste for InMail are lost per message and only gives you the last message timestamp.  Probably relates to not having any response to this message conversation.

These messages were sent intermediation between LinkedIn Help support tickets being deleted (05/11/2018 02:00 CST)  and finally responded onto (06/26/2018 02:58 CST) ( 47 days to get "blood out of a turnip" reply -- hard fought, but they finally replied).

These are the documentation directories from my website.  http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/linkedin.com/  -- Many of these links, but not all, have spoken voice text narrative interface along with the written copy.

[DIR] [Case-180511-000511]/                                                                                 11-May-2018 05:49    -   Deleted Outright
[DIR] [Case-180511-002128]/                                                                                 20-May-2018 03:14    -   Deleted Suddenly - No Solve / Close Status

They had restricted my account from creating new case tickets. I had to create a secondary Linked Account [ against the User-Agreement ] to have some sanity applied.
"Blood Out Of A Turnip" effort here to get a response.
[DIR] [Case-180601-001564]/ 05-Jun-2018 02:43 - Closes By Tranfer to Original Account
[DIR] [Case-180603-002250]/ : Official Message from LinkedIn Safety Operations Support 22-Jun-2018 23:07 - Opens Account Restriction Stil Active
Recorded and Put to YouTube a video of screen capture recording of the restriction.  I deleted that Youtube video but did repost it.

LinkedInHelp Restriction ConspiracyExposed In HIV This Conspiracy is Evil

You make your own conclusion of this matter. I have it documented.

Official Message from LinkedIn Safety Operations Support [Interm Update]

Official Message from LinkedIn Safety Operations Support [Closing Update Recommended Audio Track Cut Begin Ticket]

[DIR] [Case-180618-009972]/

Please do not insult my intelligence and tell me that there is no conspiracy here!!

Ms Lowe:

Our tweet thread that concludes: with @Potus [ President Of The United States ].

should be detailed in this email; but I will keep that out of it. If everyone remembers the controvery of the Ronald Regan Administration to the ignoring the Queer Disease of the gays, HIV/AIDS and had no response to the deaths after deaths after deaths in the community.  Do you remember that?  I do.  I remember the paper in San Francisco of the Bay Area Reporter, page after page after page of people dying.   The paper issed weekly.  Page after page of new deaths in the community!!!  I remember!  I remember!

Top of Thread:

James Driskill Retweeted Sanofi Genzyme

This tweet is about digital processing solutions to healthcare diseases. In that FightAids@Home also is such a project on --- Where are you in your web presence on FightAids@Home --- such as I am present:

Announcing our Rare Disease Innovation Challenge! Submit your digital solution to join us in our quest to diagnose patients, faster. Learn more:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, May 26, 2018 at 4:46 AM
Subject: [ Feel Free To Share This Out ] : A LinkedIn site InMail correspondence with the LinkedIn CEO Jefff Weiner : Claim Of Great Massive Conspiracy - memetic pattern recognition by "In The Mindway" in this analysis assessment! Until I get my rights to hold a @LinkedInHelp Ticket valid, this conspiracy continues.....
To: "Jim #Kramobone-The.Good @Gruwup Whitescarver" <jimscarver@gmail.com>, William Jamal Wilson <Willwilson003@gmail.com>, timothyerals@yahoo.com, "Sammie.Francher@Gruwup" <sodivine7546360@gmail.com>, #Key <blackmeat6969@yahoo.com>
Cc: Chief Executive Officer Darrell J Vigil MBA <darrell.vigil@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, chris berger <cebergerllu@gmail.com>

Orginal Distribution List: 

6 #Kramobone-The.Good and 2 from the #Kramobone-The-Bad side of conspiracy counterpoints. This conspiracy is busted!

3 to 1 ratio [ power of 3 ] or the universal understood
Goddess Symbol:: Triple Goddess

[ updated materials ] --- Please open share this email.   Social Media can not be trusted to distrubute content fairly.

This is copied/Pasted from LinkedIn GUI. 

Message List

  • James Driskill sent the following messages at 7:07 PM
    View James’ profile
    James Driskill

    LinkedIn Help Support Case Tickets Are Being Deleted Instead Of Processed

    Dear Mr Weiner, I have upgraded to premium account so that I can use Imail to conduct messaging needs on your social media site. Apparently the issues that I am bringing forward in my member LinkedIn help support address is so hot you can't touch it... the fire burning, it is not I that will get burnt in this process. On twitter, I have already attached my cross posting of content submitted to ticket numbers 180511-000511 and 180511-002128. I have attempted to create a new ticket number, your system seems to be stalling and no responding to my submission. One of two things has occurred in that I am unable to create ticket#3IP address in an exception non-operation status for your LinkedIn

  • View James’ profile
    James Driskill

    Humane Technology --- The counter-punch cause and affect of technology social media addiction..... True Peacebuilding

    Dear Mr Weiner, I have not confirmed this evening that I am able to create a new help case number. In that you are restricting my use feature of this on your site because I am not an employee or employer function of your site is discrimination against the Convention for Rights for Persons With Disabilities. I don't care what kind of media power you have to ignore something this grand scale important, you are not that high brow. [ref fb link] You are low brow. I have marketable skills. BUT not in a corporate environment of greed. You see holding honesty is not the true wisdom holding of the corporate world. It can't be. Because everywhere I go with my technology set of ideals, I am hated upon. Not embraced as you would think @realuphuman mission work ideals focus upon. We can't be honest in this world when we have already compromised ourselves in imbalanced relationships. That is what is the role model here in the United States that the world is bickering with us about. But you won't see the point of view because of your perceptional blindness of ego and privilege. This is not right to allow a state of affairs in our politics to go unchallenged here in this country. But you won't release the true intelligence over your jealousy of hate. Otherwise, you would not censor me. Otherwise, you would allow my dissent approach to move forward on your site. You're full of conflicted ways since you site allows for the word Fuck to be a part of the company name field, foundational and acceptance of the word itself into the adult lexicon. But oh boy, we can't have fuckeduphuman.net working that standard. Oh no, we can't do that. That would be a serious threat to the deception, dishonesty, and hypocrisy that is happening in the corporate world. What a fucked up human situation, a predicament of challenge you are in. I am smarter than you. You are cuter than I. https://www.facebook.com/InTheMindway/videos/10211859017412940/

  • View James’ profile
    James Driskill

    Investing In The Truth --- A Linking URL Named Very Specific -- You either believe it or not -- this technology has been online for more than 10 years.... nothing new

    http://linkedin.com.realuphuman.net/@GruwUp/Michelle-Obama-Our-New-Skin/HD-MichelleObama-OurSkin-Full.html That is a VALID URL to a file hosted by me, not you. This is reality of the situation.... if there is a meme resistance toward my technology adaptive affiliation onto our information technology world.... I have created a content post on Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6406161891596603392 to show how my adaptive technology could be coded to uphold real truth against fake news. But no one wants that !!! No can't have that technology in real coded place. What your corrupt corporation socials want is hold on to your imbalanced relations of hate, deception, and hypocrisy. I am right by this assessment because wherever I go, I receive hate! I receive censorship instead of praise. That mean corruption is the mainstream and honesty is the minority. Tell me this is not true. RESPOND YOU A-HOLE! THIS link is VALID --- THAT HOSTS MY FILE --- NOT AN ERROR CODE 404. Contains a link that is fully valid: http://linkedin.com.realuphuman.net/@GruwUp/Michelle-Obama-Our-New-Skin/HD-MichelleObama-OurSkin-Full.html Meaning what? Who is getting priority of URL assignments here? ME not you! Why? Do you know the technology reason why? It is a supplanting aspect of internet domains. .Net comes Before .Com If you did not know that.... well that URL as perhaps misleading as it can be, is showing how my technology could indeed be adaptive to fix our world to peace. @REALUPHUMAN.NET 2018 You are either an asshole or you respond. There is nothing illegal by this process.... but you won't respond because you a hater. I could take away your content --- if I wanted to. I would get into trouble with the @FBI, if I use my technology incorrectly.... but they have been aware of me for many years. This technology has been online for over 10 years.... and still no complaints for the content that is being hosted on it!

  • View James’ profile
    James Driskill

    With what I just said --- You are either an asshole or you respond -- I am forcing your position on my technology -- get anyone in your tech department to overview these messages to the truth..

    I don't have preassigned subdomains. Anyone is free to use urls openly if they understood the technology themselves to manually code it. I could take you offline by this URL: http://www.linkedin.com.fuckeduphuman.net -- Try it. If the coded insert was part of a script app that would insert that in a user's url utility. It would auto-redirect to a different location showing you that it could be coded to XXXX out fake news passively. The idea actually is to have an evaluation between realuphuman.net and realuphuman.net and the intermix coding is the center-point gruwup.net I have the technology but I am on a disability income and all I receive are assholes in my way of successful peace building for our world. WHAT A FUCKED UP HUMAN SITUATION YOUR SITE PUTS AGAINST ME. That is why I am going to file a federal complaint against your company if you leave me out of the fold of opportunity! Because I know I have it! You need to acknowledge me! You are in violation of the United Nations Convention for Persons With Disability by the current standing inactive server response, not giving me a return result for my http requests... individually by account or IP exception, you had to place that into a exception rule coded interrupt. That is being saved into your backups of code Get your tech team involved to confirm the facts that are being said here in this message. I am not a stupid dumb idiot. You are. ! Now if I requested an audit of your interpreting code from the @FBI , they would be able to find what I just pointed out. YOU HAVE THAT ACTIVE AGAINST ME CURRENTLY? TAKE IT OUT! YOU HAVE A HOLE IN YOUR FUCKED UP HUMAN ACTIONS AGAINST ME.. IT IS TRACEABLE AND THE EFFECT OF THAT!! IT IS ILLEGAL! If you have done this to other member accounts, I do not know. You can't get away with it with me. Call me? 720-446-7044 [ arranged time to talk, or leave voice mail ] http://gruwupnetpeacebuildingwebsite.business.site/

  • View James’ profile
    James Driskill

    I am still not able to create a LinkedIn Help Case Number #3 -- To Continue where I left off..... because of hate.

    Mr Weiner, The comment I placed within your quote: A culture built around transparency shouldn’t provide license to be destructive. Key is to be open, honest *and* constructive. https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6407635202973138944 Constructive not Destructive. Here is the layout of what is happening. Social Media member to member blocking is being used to skirt the responsibility of corporations and individuals involved in a collusion conspiracy in Denver Colorado. Article 12 of the Convention for Rights For Persons With Disabilities is discussed in this quick 10 minute time indexed video: Mini Law School - Convention For Rights For Persons With Disabilities. Please Open and Watch.... but I have a few key phrases. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrjKE9SeI9s&feature=youtu.be&t=43m00s Building a Core Commitment of Article 12 on what it would be to support equal legal capacity. This video about the United Nations Convention for Rights For persons With Disabilities and specifically Article 12 goes to the heart of where LinkedIn and other social media platforms protect the liars and haters at the expense of transparency and truth.

  • View James’ profile
    James Driskill

    Created a new member account so that I could access LinkedIn Help Support Case Ticketing.

    Mr Weiner, I have created a second real named account on linkedIn, but will not be upgrading to premium on that account. I have created this account to bypass the individal non-operational coded interrupt that is placed within the code on my account to process a new submitted help case ticket. I have created new help case#20180601-001564. If this case ticket is deleted, I will do this again and again and again until I get a proper processing of my issues. The referenced help support case page has been cross stored and archived onto my domain space. It has also been placed to spoken voice text narrative for easy reference and input of these issues. Please open and read and/or listen to the spoken voice narrative of this new open help case#3 --- thank you. http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/linkedin.com/%5bCase-180601-001564%5d/test%20-%20I%20have%20open%20InMail%20Messaging%20to%20your%20CEO%20Jeff%20Weiner%20(Case%20%23%20%20180601-001564)%20%20%20LinkedIn%20Help.html

  • View James’ profile
    James Driskill

    LinkedIn InMail To Pointed Finger Conspirator Mauana Harris

    I have created a LinkedIn Contact Record that should be used with DA District Attorney's Office Next week in my filing. Part of 1 of 2 mawuna harris rodman at Steel Services and Allied Industries Message List James Driskill sent the following message at 8:11 AM View James’ profile James Driskill James Driskill Contacting You in regards to a video post on facebook. btw, this InMail Site Msg Will Be Saved and Archived. Link to Video On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InTheMindway/videos/vb.1295702360/10206429424996523/?type=2&theater Mr Harris, You have been placed into a special category of conspiracy considering that you actually have conspiracy criminal charges and convictions in your truthfinder background check report results. What I am exposing is that there was an 11-month hate and harassment campaign against me while I was residing on 10th and Washington and Chesney Kleinjohn Apartments. What I have documented is worth filing charges against the conspirators in this hate and harassment campaign of chaos and disruption in my life that eventually let to eviction. What has been documented serves as a record of truth while the rest of the pointing responsible parties are intertwined into this story in later months after my eviction. What is also also confirming that this evidence that I have documented is a record of hate, is that on the employee / employer social site of Glassdoor there is a very damning and disturbing review postings against the Colorado Health Network, the source instigator, I claim of this hate and harassment conspiracy. continued....

  • Continued Mauana Harris InMail Message

    Part 2 of 2: You are among the likely pointed contacts that were not accidentally guided into my life to create disturbance and chaos. I claim that one of these conspirators is known to you and that they leach you as a weapon against me for several weeks. Prove me wrong or right. Tell me who it was that either told you or paid you a sum of monetary incentives to steer yourself into my life at Chesney Kleinjohn Apartments Apt 112 in and around April and May 2016? Tell me who it was, or tell me that you are extremely remorseful for your involvements of the time. Thank you, James Driskill Formerly Filing Complaint in Denver County District Attorney's Office against 4 organizations and 6 individually named persons to include Jamie Villalobos and Darrell Johnson.

  • View James’ profile
    James Driskill

    I have found that my content is not being censored From MyHivTeam ---

    So it will be either MyHIVTeam or LinkedIn where my standing positions are documented --- which is a record that will be filed with the Denver County District Attorney's Office and/or in materials that will be used to file a federal violation of civil rights class action lawsuit where I will be naming all negatively Glassdoor reviewed employee to employer [ Ryan White Care Act Funded Social Services Agencies ] I have converted my content that I have on site at MyHivTeam to Spoken Voice Text Narrative, for your easy follow along. http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/myhivteam.com/My%20HIV%20Team.ogg

  • View James’ profile
    James Driskill

    Interfacing Glassdoor Reviews to LinkedIn Social Medium ---- It would be helpful.

    I have written an LinkedIn Article. Would you please open and read . Thank you. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/interfacing-glassdoor-data-onto-linkedin-social-relief-driskill/

  • View James’ profile
    James Driskill

    A Glassdoor Review says : " Users can't get any online help from them." - so far proved true- prove me wrong and prove this internal employee review wrong. Adapt this case into your CEO oversight priorites. Thank you.

    VALID URL -- NAME BINDING URL TECHNOLOGY --- http://linkedin.com.ceo-jeff-weiner.webdomains.realuphuman.net/linkedin.com/%5bCase-180603-002250%5d/Official%20Message%20from%20LinkedIn%20Safety%20Operations%20Support%20(Case%20%23%20%20180603-002250)%20%20%20LinkedIn%20Help%20-%20Full%2012%20hour%20updates.html This is a archived record on my domain of linkedin help case ticket Official Message from LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Created time: Created 16 days ago Status: Open Case #: 180603-002250 ----- Upon the top of this record is glassdoor review reflecting the following statement: "Linkedin Users can't get any online help from them. " -- prove this review wrong by reading in full the entire script of this help case ticket. This being after 3 prior opened case tickets were deleted without cause or address of solved status. https://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Employee-Review-LinkedIn-RVW19371624.htm Feb 22, 2018 Helpful (7) LinkedIn Logo "Pretty bad overall." Former Employee - Sales in New York, NY Disapproves of CEO I worked at LinkedIn part-time (More than 3 years) Pros very very very Nice coworkers. Cons Sorry but you do not want to work here if you value your sanity. Really problematic company. Disorganized and has many dissatisfied customers. Tons of complaints. Linkedin Users can't get any online help from them. The workers are nice but overworked and underpaid. The company is cheap. The fact that they do not even have a customer support hotline OR any online chat support shows how thrifty they are. ----- A shorter earlier saved archived record copy of this case has been also taken to provide an spoken voice text narrative interface. http://linkedin.com.ceo-jeff-weiner.webdomains.realuphuman.net/linkedin.com/%5bCase-180603-002250%5d/Official%20Message%20from%20LinkedIn%20Safety%20Operations%20Support%20(Case%20%23%20%20180603-002250)%20%20%20LinkedIn%20Help.html Please Open and Listen to the Audio Presentation Please!

  • View James’ profile
    James Driskill

    Wow Sir; I finally got a respectful response from your LinkedIn Help staff.

    InMail here. I consider this matter imperative important as it relates to the PROBLEM in social media engineering that the LinkedIn platform is coded under. Official Message from LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Created time: Created 16 days ago Status: Open Case #: 180603-002250 ------ Article 12 of the United Nations Convention For Rights For Persons With Disabilities [ Detailed of Mini Law School YouTube Video Requested Your involvements ] Created time: Created 3 days ago Status: Closed Case #: 180618-009972 ------ LinkedIn Public Post: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/trustbinding-linkedin-help-support-ticket-article-12-united-driskill/ Relates the history URL Archive index of this matter --- including the 3 deleted case tickets that I began with. Thank you for taking my voice and opinion into consideration, James Martin Driskill 3260 Grande Vista San Bernardino CA 92405 (720) 446-7044 : The Kramobone Phone http://gruwupnetpeacebuildingwebsite.business.site/ LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-driskill-45213519/ owner: Realuphuman.net Actively Servicing The Truth To All Time Human History If I have a future need, I hope your department does not dismiss me right off like I have been treated. This was wrong of your operations staff.

You haven’t received a response yet.


This is copy/pasted from Twitter GUI [  formatting sucks, but I am not altering the contents - twitter youtube video previews are missing here.  Click on this top link thread to browse using Twitter GUI.  If this tweet or thread becomes missing, I DID NOT DELETE IT.

1h1 hour ago

Please do not tell me that I am wrong about and that I have been telling you this for years, telling what needs to be done, and having no social media empowerment... you are in check!

  • I am not the one who is delusional. You are delusional that this conspiracy is not exposed at the grand scale that it is at gripped hand. A Massive Mischievous Marvel Of Molding Muck I have claim to the book title rights. RELEASE THIS CONSPIRACY!

  • This is a video record of production materials --- I claim everything in my life has been altered by this grand conspiracy. I have been persecuted to an oblivion and you need to PROCESS MY COMPLAINT of CONSPIRACY CHARGES against the LOCAL HIV COMMUNITY if I file it federally.

  • -- This has a affixed message relating to video file distribution and rights.


  • This is now provable - a conspiracy! This tweet reflects the statement that I want a meeting with law enforcement "letter" of the circumstances! What is happening now, I am unable to search my twitter content? RIGHT, just coincidence?

  • Even with a more targeted search result : --- showing that this tweet does not exist : --- righteo -- delete me --- everywhere -- delete the truth.

  • And you wonder why that chick shot up this past April. Our cannot handle any more of this conspiracy! NO MORE RELEASE THIS CONSPIRACY! : HAVE THE make a statement of rebuilding social trust with

    I have already sent you this position of mine, you have no response to this but more conspiracy. This is an embarrassment to the world. Respond and reply to me. Show up for a meeting.

    --- OPEN AND VIEW THIS ENTIRE THREAD PLEASE --- CLICK TO AND LINK TO EACH ITEM PLEASE --- RESPOND BY EITHER THE MEDIA -- or a show up for a meeting of truth. I don't mind you coming to my front door again. But a call in advance would be respectful. 720-446-7044


    So the expected outcomes here are:

    [1] Release of LinkedIn Help support case ticketing to be able to press this issue forward in the corporate world.

    [2] Either an annoucement from the president of the United States Of America about rebuilding the social trust of America. This by way of mentioning the materials of HumaneTech and social media addiction that in fact he might be suffering from himself.


    [3]  A Cal or Visit from the FBI to my home here in San Bernardino.

    The registrant business listing address of this link:

    @Realuphuman.net / @Gruwup.net
    3260 Grande Vista
    San Bernardino CA 92405
    (720) 446-7044 (if you call, and there is no answer, you must leave a voice message - I do not accept calls from unknown pre-setup in advance call contacts )

    Above Twitter Thread is linked to @FBI
    the Above Twitter Thread is linked to LinkedIn CEO @JeffWeiner

    I am now contacting you via my twitter account : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace. I have a few things to share with you here. I expect a reply because that is honoring a full and equal participation in society per the convention. R U A Hater?

    The poll is duration of 7 days. You respond to your tweets in the period of 7 days right? For those who need to know, I am blocked from accessing the support case ticking to apply needed chg in priorities in social media redevelopment for unjust discrimination.

  • Something already shared on InMail messaging : A Washington Post Article Titled : Erosion Of - How the Erosion Of Trust Leads To Mass Shootings : : Note My Posting Location Is San Bernardino mentioned in this WP spot for Dec 2015.

  • What is required is to provide a response.

  • To Community Cultural Health Combined + to the mix of social culpability for the state of affairs in loss of . For I am blocked from being an equal participating member of society

  • Twitter DM - and - Some men see things as they are and say why :


  • LinkedIn Help BFD=Big Fucking Deal

  • LinkedIn Help BFD=Big Fucking Deal Unfuck Your Life

  • Double Trouble, a professional networking site roadblocks my LinkedIn Help [ Case: 180511-00511 ]

  • ------

    Reference Memetics Creditation I hold:

    Google Book Seach [ "In The Mindway" ]

    Virus-free. www.avast.com

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