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James Driskill <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>

7 messages

Monica Aitchison <maitchison@desertaidsproject.org>Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 12:47 PM
To: "realuphuman.net@gmail.com" <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>

Hello Mr. Driskill,

I received a request from Michael Muller to send you a list of affordable housing in the Coachella Valley, That you may planning to move to the Desert. I have attached a list of apartment complex that you can contact and ask the questions, regarding availability, proximity to a grocery store or access to local transportation, etc.    

 I also have clients that had mention that Craigslist in Palm Springs, is great tool to look for apartments , or to rent from a private party.


If you decide to relocate to the Coachella Valley, we can assist you with security deposit (no more than a month’s rent), that is payable directly to the landlord/property manager.

You are welcome to contact Marissa Ruiz mruiz@desertaidsproject.org  at ext. 599 or Vivian Velasquez  vvelasquez@desertaidsproject.org at ext.606, to provide more information.



Thank you


Monica Aitchison

Associate Director of Support Services

760-323-2118 ext 482


760-656-0982  Fax



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Affordable Housing Directory 2018.pdf

Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>Sun, Jun 24, 2018 at 10:52 AM
To: Monica Aitchison <maitchison@desertaidsproject.org>
Cc: Michael Muller <mmuller@desertaidsproject.org>, Sue Lowe <slowe@desertaidsproject.org>
Thank you Ms Aitchison for the housing list. 

So far, I am still showing that I am on a repeating cycle of failure.

I would like a scheduled meeting with your leadership to run through my story where I was targeted in a hate and harassment campaign that's endgame on their part is to find a way to evict me from the community.  It has happened twice in my history.

First time in Oakland before the cyber-harassment in 2005 before the cyber-bullying laws were enabled.  Back then, the communications that I received were extremely hateful. When I go to write about this issue beginning with a blog space, on December 24 2006, my car was stolen outside of my parents' home in San Bernardino and abandoned outside of my brother's old house as a warning "Shut the Fuck Up".  I am not going to shut up about this issue.  It is a conspiracy I know exists among you in social services.

This letter is on twitter --- attached to our president Barack Obama in 2013.

This letter is dated shortly after they stole my car from parents' house.  I am not shutting the fuck up I tell you.

Replying to

Mr Pres.I have quoted these but still have not found resolve. PLEA SE read attached img doc w/ nxt replies

I am literally fearful of stepping back on my own knowing the corruption that is a part of these cirumstances are what is driving the hate against me.  When my mission work foundation is true honesty.

I want a meeting and a promise from your agency that

[1] The Letter that I just presented from 2007 will not be rejected. 

[2] Promise if the hate does return, that there will be an effort and resource to identify the haters and to stop such acitivy from ruining my tenancy / residency relationship which leads to eviction.  It falls under a pattern that I have identified and know all too well. By doing the same things in my case will result to the same cause and effect, I guarantee it, I will not survive the next cycle of this.

Here is attached tweet of the vehicle report being stolen from my parents' house attached to our president of the United States of America.  and still they did it again.  They treat me like I have no feelings of hurt from this.

22 Jan 2013

U Knw wht happnd aft I start 2 blog my story 122506? My car stolen & abandon 2 the frm addr of my brother.

As I write this today, I am full of fears crying [ tears flowing down my face ] because no one can be honest and let honesty reign.

I will be scheduling a meeting here with the Ryan White office here in San Bernardino.  As far as I am concerned you all are a bunch of haters when you left to your own devices and have no oversight.  You hate on community memebers till they are ejected from the community.  I want a promise that this is not true there in the Palm Springs Area.

I am not sitting down and shutting the fuck up.  You hear me?

This hateful and hurtful conspiracy terminates --- you hear me?

I have the domainset that should be understoood and respected to why these sub-content folders exist:

http://coloradohealthnetwork.fuckeduphuman.net --- an embarassment of local hiv Denver Social Services.

Still they have been left free and untouched by this -- free to continue to hate on the community.

A letter to Doctor Phil Show on twitter I would also like to understand.

Dec 31

This letter was directed to you via E-mail and US Post Mail. It is imperative that you understand my motives of why these issues need to be brought into the light. On the Ryan White Care Act Supportive Agencies are highly reported as hate culture companies.

Tell me it is different at Desert Aids Project in 2018 when in 2015 you too have one of these negative cast glassdoor reviews.

I don't need to be insulted --- I need the truth to be brought forward of conspiracy so that I can have a life.

How the Erotion of Trust Effects out society... a recent Washington Post article that confirms my mission work presence in our world.

Erosion Of #SocialTrust - How the Erosion Of Trust Leads To Mass Shootings

This is video 18 [ last ] of a peace building youtube playlist I have put together for change.

Perhaps you will table to the top and watch the entire presentation.

Virus-free. www.avast.com
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Michael Muller <mmuller@desertaidsproject.org>Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 8:14 AM
To: "Real Up Human [.net]" <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>, Monica Aitchison <maitchison@desertaidsproject.org>
Cc: Sue Lowe <slowe@desertaidsproject.org>



Has the sender below been posting on any of our social media sites over the weekend? 




Michael Muller

Patient Experience Officer

Pronouns: He, Him, His

760-323-2118 ext 687

Direct Line 760-656-8400



Visit us:

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From: Real Up Human [.net] [mailto:realuphuman.net@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2018 10:52 AM
To: Monica Aitchison
Cc: Michael Muller; Sue Lowe
Subject: Re: Housing


CAUTION: This email originated from outside of our organization. Please be cautious of any attachments or links!

[Quoted text hidden]

Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 8:23 AM
To: Michael Muller <mmuller@desertaidsproject.org>
Cc: Sue Lowe <slowe@desertaidsproject.org>
No, Mr Muller, I was only responding in an email to Ms. Aitchison for the housing list.

I did not cross over any other postings to social at this time.

I did, however, provide links to my social media posting of the past reflecting a story that I am holding in view of the world.

It is not possible to just ignore this story and move into the same paradigm of services.

It is not possible.

  There must be a change of difference here. 

[Quoted text hidden]

Michael Muller <mmuller@desertaidsproject.org>Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 8:28 AM
To: "Real Up Human [.net]" <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>
Cc: Sue Lowe <slowe@desertaidsproject.org>

Good Morning,


I wanted to follow up and see if you received the information from the housing department.  I asked Sue about postings to see if you were still having difficulty in accessing care.  I am available to answer any additional questions regarding the services here at D.A.P.


I hope you had a good weekend.




Michael Muller

Patient Experience Officer

Pronouns: He, Him, His

760-323-2118 ext 687

Direct Line 760-656-8400



Visit us:

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From: Real Up Human [.net] [mailto:realuphuman.net@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 8:24 AM
To: Michael Muller
Cc: Sue Lowe
Subject: Re: Housing

[Quoted text hidden]

Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 8:54 AM
To: Michael Muller <mmuller@desertaidsproject.org>
Cc: Sue Lowe <slowe@desertaidsproject.org>
Within this email, thread full below is an email quotation from

On Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 12:47 PM, Monica Aitchison <maitchison@desertaidsproject.org> wrote:

Hello Mr. Driskill,

I received a request from Michael Muller to send you a list of affordable housing in the Coachella Valley,

[ Content Cut Here ]

Yes, I received the housing list information.

My response is a "difference in a change I am requesting and need of procedures and processing for my intake" that I am asking for allowance to have a meeting face to face in my case.

In my reply, I only quote what is been my medium of voice, twitter for when there has been no internal mechanism to bring this very disturbing and embarrassing story forward within social service interface.  I don't understand how I can be any more clearer. 

This requests that you link to presentation links if you have not already concluded that this client is empowered by a story that is documented and I want that documentation to be present in my case management, please.   It is not just good enough to mention this in an email, it must be incorporated into my case considerations.

To clarify my side:

I follow my email perfectly fine and it is detailed oriented.
I take it to review my words in a spoken voice narrative interface before I send to be sure it sounds right as it reads in written text.
My text is pre-screened by the program Grammarly to be clear. Perhaps you have seen their ads online.

Btw, my name is James Martin Driskill, you can refer to me as Martin not "sender" please thank you.

If you're going to refer to me outside of my real name, I suggest that you do not copy me into the reply back chain. 

Thank you,

Sue and I had a nice conversation in which she understood my request here for a meeting face to face to clarify the needs here to be heard about a story of hate and harassment perpetrated by the Denver local social services themselves.   I am going to Ryan White with my story and it will have OVERSIGHT to INPUT THIS STORY of HARRASSMENT general chaos into my life from the source of the leadership of the Social Services Network itself.   It will TERMINATE from that source.  It has happened two me two separate times and I have documented it two separate times.

It is insanity to do the same cycle of intake and signup for services and expecting a different result.


Please show me some common sense rational thinking.

Thank you,


James Martin Driskill
San Bernardino CA

[Quoted text hidden]

Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 9:46 AM
To: Michael Muller <mmuller@desertaidsproject.org>
Cc: Sue Lowe <slowe@desertaidsproject.org>

BTW, the use of the F-word fully spelled out as Fuck --- the standard to which on LinkedIn allows for the word to be used as company names and incorporate into user field data.  If you are offended by the use of this word, you are offended by nothing.

Perform the searches for yourself, and link to these cited examples for a standard to which I am following. 

Linkedin is the most recognized "professionals networking social media site", the standard applies there and it will stand as applies to my correspondence sound, fine, and unabridged exactly worded as I desired.  I will not modify my attitude.  My case is that horrific.

Search LinkedIn Companies for the Word [ "fuck" ] :

Fuck Cancer

Costa Mesa, California 159 followers

Fuck Yeah Astrophysics!

Internet Missoula, MT 61 followers

Search LinkedIn Companies for the Word [ "fucked" ] :

Fucked Up Design

Graphic Design 41 followers


Information Technology and Services 62 followers

I am absolutely done with this bull shit!   The conspiracy mentioned terminates!

Respect the standard and respect me --- my story behind my case.  

Thank you,

I cannot be any clearer or nicer in this regards of this case.  It must be incorporated into view of the case management and treated accordingly to the Mental Health Advocacy Letter Dated January 2007 from Dr. Howard Newsome, Please. I demand respect for what has occurred. You all are insane to think this just goes under the table.  I mean it.

On your mobile device with the SoundCloud app installed:

OK Google: Play On Soundcloud:"You have allowed hate to win"

Plays this audio file:

In the name of my case manager at Colorado Health Network, this is the showing graphic attached to this sound:

I am sick and tired of the coy attitudes.  I am sick and tired of being right about this case and no one is listening.

That is my case manager lying on a facebook post. It was copied and placed to the record as a lye.

I will copy anyone in similar light who does not stipulate the facts, in this case, and that there is a need to change from the Status quo of case management services.

I am literally, sick to my stomach with nausea 24/7 knowing that social services have been allowed to hate on me.

And no one cares to bring this case story forward --- you also allow the haters to win!

I am a person.

with feelings.

I am justified angry at social services for what has occurred.

Google Search [ "#conspiracyexposed HIV"]: just a starting point at the documentation that I have put onto the web in these concerns.

I mean it.  No more coy attitude replies.  Ridiculous !

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