James Driskill <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>

[Platform Digest] Your Weekly Website Scanning Results
1 message

SiteLock <noreply@sitelock.security>Tue, Apr 17, 2018 at 9:57 AM
To: Mydomain Com-Admin-Jmdriskillpostcom <mydomain.com-admin-jmdriskillpostcom@realuphuman.net>
Platform Digest

Hello Website Owner,


Malware is a real problem that affects a lot of websites. It’s as prevalent as the common cold and can do some real damage if you don’t catch and treat it early.


So how will you know if your website gets infected with malware?


To help protect your website, your hosting provider has partnered with SiteLock to provide your website with a complimentary malware scanner. Every day this nifty little tool checks the first five pages of your website for malware, and sends you an alert if any is found.


Want to learn more about this report and how to read your results?


If you’re seeing red in your report data, this indicates that your website needs attention and should be evaluated for malware or related security issues. Give us a call at your earliest convenience to have a chat about website security.


We’re here for you 24/7/365 at 833-715-5292.


The health and security of your website is important to us, so to help you better understand the likelihood of your website being infected, we’ve developed a predictive model we call the Risk Assessment. Based on the complexity, composition and popularity or your site, this assessment assigns it a score that offers insight into the risk of it being compromised by malware and vulnerabilities.


Interested in learning your website’s risk score?

Call the number above to speak to a security consultant today.


Stay Secure

The SiteLock Team


Last 7 days compared to previous period

Questions? Call us at at 833-715-5292




Website URL


Platform Results


Scans run


Pages scanned


Malware Results


N/A 7 24 0
N/A 7 3 0
N/A 7 24 0
N/A 7 27 0
N/A 7 26 0
N/A 7 27 0

Call: 833-715-5292 | Email: support@sitelock.com | Visit: sitelock.com

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